In Christ: Right Where I Need To Be
By Lindsay Few
I’ve adopted a new daily mantra. I didn’t intend to do it. It started when I realized I was repeating this little phrase any time I started to get the tightness of stress in my chest; the shallowed breathing and high blood pressure of too much to do and too little time.
The phrase: “I’m right where I need to be.” Sitting in traffic. At the kitchen table. Choosing to work on what’s in front of me, even when I’d rather play. I’m right where I need to be. Scripture is a great place to go for words that will shape your mindset. (Perhaps 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, Ephesians 1:3, for identity reminders.)
I didn’t realize this was an identity check until I explained it out loud in community group. Then I could hear it. Being physically and mentally present in each moment is essential to living out of my identity in Christ. Being grounded in the present moment frees us from both shame of the past and anxiety of the future. My tendency is to try and get my identity - my “self” all figured out, and then go on with life. But that’s not how it works at all. Going on with life is how we live out who we already are. The daily decisions reflect where Christ has shaped and changed us -- or where He’s yet to.
Bonus discovery! If I’m running “I’m right where I need to be” through in my mind, and it turns out that that my life doesn’t sync with my mantra, then it’s easy to course correct. Getting up when I want to hit snooze (again). Put my focus to the task at hand rather than spacing out on Facebook, Zillow, Poshmark, etc. Make the choice that reflects who I am becoming as Christ transforms me, not who I once was when I thought I had to do it all on my own.
What about you? What identity truth are you telling yourself? How is this shaping your days?