The Greenest Pasture


What is Jesus like? Have you ever wondered? This week’s message, from John 2:1-12, ends pointing to the open-hearted generosity of God, shown through Jesus in his earthly life. Several scriptures in the message point to this quality (listed below). Today let’s look at Psalm 23; a passage so familiar to some of us that the words may sound more like a familiar nursery rhyme than a rhythm for life. 

It’s hard to relate to a psalm that compares me to a sheep. I’m not often led - certainly not in a sense of being cared for the way this psalm portrays the shepherd caring for the sheep: providing for them; feeding them, tucking them in for a rest; restoring; preparing a table full of a feast and an overflowing cup. (A call back to the 600+ bottles of wine Jesus created out of all that ceremonial water in Cana. Talk about overflowing cups!) 

I’ve always been prone to insomnia. It started as a kid, when I felt like going to bed meant missing out. I always wanted more time in my day - particularly the time to read just one more chapter of a favorite book. This persisted into adulthood. Last year, in an effort to become a more healthy, rested and well-rounded human, I set a bedtime. One that allows for enough sleep to get up and face tomorrow with the energy I need to get through the day. 

I still had a hard time calling an end to the day, but the image of this shepherd who “makes me lie down,” was the most appealing way to approach bedtime. I imagine the Heavenly Father inviting me to lay down my attempts to outrun the need for sleep and inviting me into a rested way of living. I see a pastoral image of the green grass; the still waters. I even imagine God’ shepherding voice telling me it’s bedtime like a parent would tell a small child; an invitation to accept being cared for and restored overnight.

The generosity of God doesn’t always conform to the generosity I envision. I can get excited about feasting and about water turning into wine, but being made to rest is a present I’d rather re-gift to my kids. Maybe it’s a good time to re-examine that idea. When God’s gifts don’t line up with the “gifts” I would want from Him, it’s time to take a fresh look at the gifts he’s already given. The more I see Jesus in the Gospels, the more I can answer what He is like. The more I come to know Him, the more I come to know the abundance of life in His kingdom. 

What do you see of His character when you read these passages?

John 2:1-12

Isaiah 25:6-8

Psalm 16

Psalm 23

Matthew 26:26-29